By Michael P Coleman

Dairy Queen’s August Blizzard of the Month is the Extreme Reeses Blizzard.

“Extreme” is an understatement. Peanut butter sauce. Chocolate sauce. Pieces of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. And speaking of pieces, Reeses Pieces. Lots of them.

The Extreme Resses Blizzard is exceptional. An experience. If it wasn’t blasphemous, I’d call it the Extreme Jesus Blizzard, because it almost had me calling out His name.

I consider peanut butter a separate, distinct food group. As such, I have and will continue to do everything I can to support this limited edition menu item.

Several DQ locations have reported having run out of peanut butter (!) due to demand for these puppies, so if I were you (as my mother would say), I’d get to your nearest locations quickly.

If you can manage the line of cars that you’re sure to encounter at the drive thru, you can have an Extreme Reeses Blizzard in your hot little hands (the forecast is calling for another hot one this weekend) in no time.

You’re welcome!

Published by Michael P Coleman

Freelance content creator. I used to talk to strangers and get punished. Now, I do it and get published.

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